As a former business partner and staff member at Esri, I’m very pleased to be able to announce that has joined the Esri Startup program. Working with Esri, we hope to put the user’s investment in ArcGIS content and services to work as synthetic environments to simulate training data for AI created with the platform.

I joined last summer because I saw the opportunity to fuse many of the technologies that I’ve researched, investigated and built products for throughout my career… GIS, analytics, and visualization. is building a solution that addresses a critical need in the market today, the need for better experiences, workflow, and tools to create data for AI training and validation.
Enabling customers to build synthetic data requires that they will be able to access content to build synthetic environments and simulated scenarios. Our goal is to enable customers to have access to examples, best practices, and out of the box content to get started quickly. As significant demand is coming from the Earth Observation space, we are excited to announce that we have joined the Esri Partner Network’s Startup Program to enable customers to bring in ArcGIS services content in their synthetic data channels.
We are excited to work with Esri, for many reasons, including that Esri helps their 300,000+ customer organizations solve real problems around climate change mitigation, sustainable design and construction, and defense and health planning and operations. We also find that the pattern in the GIS world where a core of GIS database developers and software engineers power a large group of GIS analysts to be highly similar to the evolution of the Synthetic Data Engineer who will be engineering datasets and simulation tools to enable Data Scientist and Computer Vision Engineers.
To experiment with our first demo of ArcGIS integration, follow these steps:
- Sign up for a free basic account at
- On the account registration page, use the content code GEOINT2022
- As a bonus, if you can access Google Drive, then you should be able to get the tutorial PDF from our Synthetic Data for Computer Vision session from the GEOINT show:
You’ll have immediate access to a demonstration organization that will allow you to explore not only imagery chips extracted from the Living Atlas World Imagery Basemap and public services such as the NAIP service shared from ArcGIS Online.
As a fun bonus, the demonstration also includes several 3D models loaned from Presagis, experts in 3D Modeling and Simulation.
We’re just getting started adding content to and also announced a partnership with RIT’s DIRS Laboratory to provide sensor simulation for multispectral and other E&M sensor output.
Regarding, Esri and ArcGIS, we’ve got future plans to add credentialed imagery services, raster elevation sources, and much more. If you’re interested in exploring the new demo, follow the steps above. If you want to speak with us about the possibilities of using your own GIS content in, contact us!