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Join our software engineer, Sam Kulkarni, on a panel event discussing diverse pathways to enter the AI industry hosted by Women in AI

By July 6, 2022August 18th, 2023No Comments
Sam Kulkarni will be on a panel discussing her path to becoming a software engineer in the AI industry alongside other industry experts!

Join our software engineer, Sam Kulkarni, on a panel event discussing diverse pathways to enter the AI industry hosted by Women in AI!

The event, “Career Launchpad — Diverse AI Pathways,” is a part of the #WaiENGAGE series which is a fantastic way for women and diverse communities across AI, ML, and data science to connect and promote ethical innovation.

Join the event “Career Launchpad — Diverse AI Pathways”:

📅 When: July 07, 2022 at 5:00 PM EDT

⏳ Register for free:

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